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Inclusive School Playground, UK

Inclusive Playground at Lindon Bennett School

Phase 1 – Sport England Project

Lindon Bennett School first got in touch with us through the Sport England Scheme in 2015. The brief we received from Mark Hutton, Schools Business Manager, was to provide them with a vibrant, colourful area reflecting the fact that Lindon Bennett was a Primary School but also with equipment and resources that met the requirements for the children with special needs.

HAGS designed a bespoke UniPlay unit with inclusive access and activities. The unit was multi-level featuring a double-width slide, net climber, ships wheel, table and benches, and interactive games. It also featured ramp access to allow inclusive play for many of the features.

The area was completed with artificial grass to provide a therapeutic sensory garden, a basket swing and a trampoline.

Phase 2 – Inclusive yet challenging play areas

Mark Hutton was very pleased with the previous project he didn’t think twice to get in touch with us again to undertake a second project at their newly built school in Hanworth.

For this site the brief was to provide different activities which were inclusive yet challenging enough to excite and occupy children with different types of disabilities.

A bespoke steel UniPlay Zapata Multi-Play Unit was installed equipped with an inclusive wheelchair ramp and tailor-made features to provide graduated challenges for children of all abilities. Features include a variety of sensory panels, a net tunnel, as well as a climbing wall and curved eco-grip entrance.

An inclusive Spinmee roundabout was also installed which is accessible to those with mobility impairments as well as wheelchair users. Spinmee encourages social play and can accommodate up to two wheelchair users plus a support staff.

“Something For Everybody”

Mark has told us that there is now “something for everybody”, he is really happy with the results and says that the play areas meets the children’s needs and have helped to bring the children closer together. The kids absolutely love playing in their new playgrounds!

London, United Kingdom
Anno di realizzaizone


Via dell’artigianato vic. II, 11
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD)

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